The Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, dance across the night sky in Iceland, offering a captivating spectacle. This natural phenomenon occurs when charged particles from the sun collide with atoms in the Earth's atmosphere, creating luminous streaks of green, pink and purple hues. Iceland's proximity to the Arctic Circle makes it an ideal destination for witnessing this celestial display, with its vast open spaces and minimal light pollution enhancing the experience. Iceland, known as the 'Land of Fire and Ice', boasts a stunning landscape characterised by glaciers, geysers and volcanic terrain. Its remote location and sparse population contribute to pristine night skies perfect for Northern Lights viewing. Visitors can explore Iceland's unique geological features by day and marvel at the enchanting auroras illuminating its nights, creating unforgettable memories in this land of natural wonders. Hanan Scheers I travel the world to find unexpected stories. 17 November 2018
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