The report was made just as well, at a different location and it became a completely different one than planned. Exactly 10 years later, Van Grinsven went back and followed the same route as then and photographed according to the 'Dear Photography' principle: in exactly the same place, the new situation with the photo of 9/11 in his hand. These photos, as well as those from 9/11, packaged as a captivating 'live report', are put together in his new photo book '#9/11 EYEWITNESS' and can be found in the exhibition, where the photo and video images and all kinds of artifacts can be found. see. The central question is: 'Where were you on 9/11 and where are we now, 15 years later?' Andy Mulderij, a Dutch 3D designer, has been fascinated by the WTC for 15 years and digitally reconstructed the entire complex to the state before the attack. In the basement of Galerie 't Blauwe Huis, people return to the Austin J. Tobin Plaza wearing 3D glasses and taste the atmosphere that was there that day, including the sounds. Visitors take a seat on one of the benches and look around 360 degrees. There is a serene peace. A greater contrast with Guy van Grinsven's exhibition on the ground floor is hardly conceivable. #9/11 EYEWITNESSThis book by Guy van Grinsven is available during the exhibition for the special price of 24.95 euro (normally 27.50 euro at Bookstore Dominicanen and the Tribune in Maastricht), with a personal message on his Facebook or an e-mail at [email protected], Guy will send a signed copy.
Where were you on 9/11 and where are we now, 15 years later?Galerie 't Blauwe Huis Nobelstraat 16, Heerlen, Netherlands 27 August 2016 till 30 September 2016 Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 2 pm till 7 pm Hanan I travel the world to find unexpected stories. 7 September 2016 Comments are closed.