This noodle brand is the king of instant noodles in Indonesia, with a flavor for every taste bud. From the delicious Soto Ayam (Chicken Curry) to the mouth-watering Beef Rendang, Indomie has it all, including the all-important chili powder. My love affair with Indomie is so spicyIndomie isn't just for lunch or dinner, oh no! In Indonesia, it's a breakfast food, a snack, and even sold at roadside food stalls for lunch or dinner. It's the perfect on-the-go meal and lifesaver. And let's not forget, it's super easy to make. Just boil the noodles for a few minutes, add the ingredients, and spice it up with chili powder to your liking. Now, the rumor mill says that Indomie is so popular, it's become a staple for Indonesians living abroad. It's a taste of home that they just can't live without. In fact, it's the Indonesian noodle that brings joy to every meal. And me? I'm Belgian and my love affair with Indomie is so spicy, hotter than a warm, crispy Belgian waffle. Hanan I travel the world to find unexpected stories. 17 February 2023 Comments are closed.