HikeThe name 'gebroekt' is not accidental and highlights the wetter character of the area. The landscape is determined by the valley of the Kleine Nete river and the two streams that flow through the area: the Kleine Beek and the Molenbeek. These streams bring life to the area and ensure that the valley of the Kleine Nete in Viersel is streched out. The Viersels Gebroekt consists of a mosaic of natural types such as mudflats, wet roughlands, streams, canals and reed land. These types of nature were created thanks to the historical use of agriculture. The best known example are the meadows: flowery and wet grasslands which are characteristic of the landscape. Because these nature types are seamlessly connected and occupy a relatively large area, the Viersels Gebroekt is a very valuable nature area in the Kempen and Flanders. The streams have carved into the landscape, making it a low-lying area. The fauna and flora have adapted to these specific circumstances so that there are many rare plants and animals here. During a walk in the Viersels Gebroekt you will discover a lot of surprisingly beautiful places. Discoverâ– Departure and arrivalViersel Church, Beemdstraat, Viersel, Belgium. â– AccessibilityExit Massenhoven on the highway E313 Antwerp-Hasselt, then head towards Lier, a little further, turn left and you will immediately arrive in the centre of Viersel. â– Distance4.5 kilometres â– SignHexagonal signs â– InfoHanan I travel the world to find unexpected stories. 18 October 2019 Comments are closed.