The art of the Islamic world had inspired western artists for centuries - and this special exhibition examines the long and complex cultural interactions between east and west. Explore how artists of the East have looked WestObjects range from the 15th century to the present, with works by painters such as Delcroix alongside examples of material culture - from costume books and decorative arts to video installation. Organised with the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia, this exhibition examines the idea of Orientalism, offering another look at this cultural relationship. It will also explore how artists of the East have looked West, in forms such as photography and portraiture. Inspired by the east: how the Islamic world influenced western artBritish Museum in London
from 10 October 2019 to 26 January 2020 admission 14 £, under 16 free Hanan I travel the world to find unexpected stories. 18 September 2019 Comments are closed.